Wednesday, September 26, 2012

PLC Groups

         Professional Learning Communities (PLC)

What is it? What is its purpose? How does it work?

A PLC is an ongoing process used to establish a school-wide culture that develops teacher leadership explicitly focused on building and sustaining school wide improvement efforts. PLCs are composed of teachers, administrators, and support staff routinely participate. Through participation, collaborative teams focus on improving student learning.

       When teachers come together and brain storm, they can accomplish more than trying to stay in isolation without any feedback from fellow peers in the same field. PLC groups have a goal of meeting the needs of the entire student body. The teachers in these groups share a common goal which is to give their students a quality education. This will be accomplish through the sharing of lesson plans, teacher feedback, teaching methods, etc. The key is communication with coworkers to meet the common goal of educating our youth.  

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